The Humble Beginnings of Nelson Acres

My lifelong dream has been to be a farmer. I have been researching and reviewing organic and sustainable methods for a couple of years now, and am now trying to put some of this into practice on my 1/2 acre preparation of the day when I can make that dream come true. This blog is going to be my place to document, share, and follow my successful and unsuccessful attempts as Nelson Acres moves closer to reality.

11 May 2011

Long Time...

It's been a little while.  Unfortunately, I am still sick.  It is making it very hard to get Nelson Acres really taking off...yet ironically I am home all the time so the plants are in some ways getting better care than if I'd been at work . Strange Catch 22 I've found myself in.  At any rate, my camera needs a new battery, so no pictures to share.  But with the exception of some of the herbs, everything has come up.  The corn looks fantastic, and I really need to thin it as soon as I can get some extra energy.  I bought some veggie food, but alas today was a rough day so that didn't happen.  Even so, things are growing.  I did kill my arugula, but replanted and plan on moving that indoors when it really gets warm.  Hopefully the a/c inside will keep it cool enough for me to have my greens. 
I have been using this down time to research a lot.  I joined a google group called SPIN and have read their manual.  Good stuff.  I'm very excited.  I called the county about urban farming, and the nice woman I talked to (Cathy) advised me to put in a package.  I got some advice from my SPIN group so that should be started soon.  I've made some friends in the SPIN group, too, so I think the moral support for this odd undertaking will help.  The plan will now include bees and chickens.  Still thinking about the rabbit next door, but I haven't seen my neighbor.  I've been spending a lot of days in bed, so I haven't been outside to run into her.  Strange...I could just go and knock on her door :)  But I'm still not sure the rabbit is such a good idea...I already have Autumn, the dogs, and the house, yard, and gardens to care for!
I am currently reading a book called Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer, by Novella Carpenter.  Very interesting read.  It's giving me some good ideas of the ups and downs of this venture, as well as getting me to think hard about whether I can actually produce meat on my seems much  more likely that I will have tons of pets after their usefulness wanes.  But we'll see.  Ms. Carpenter gets through it, perhaps I will, too. 
Anyway...that is all for now.  Hope to get some pictures up soon.  I also got a pond for my wildlife certification, hoping to attract wildlife to be a part of my garden.  Moving right along...if slowly!

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